In order for a minister to view the current list of open churches in the Potomac Ministry Network, you must be a credentialed minister with the Assemblies of God and have a resume on file with the Potomac Ministry Network.
All resumes must include the following before submission:
A cover letter containing :
Your vision
Specify the geographical area in which you intend to serve: rural, urban, suburban, or metropolitan.
The size of the church you feel comfortable leading.
Whether you would consider co-vocational opportunities for you or your spouse.
Indicate whether you would like the Potomac Ministry Network office to contact you about any of the open churches.
Recent pictures of you and your family (the pictures must be from the last 2 years).
A letter of good standing from your home network.
Three references, including their contact information.
NOTE: Resumes that come from outside the Potomac Network must be accompanied by a letter of good standing from your home district superintendent.
Resumes may be submitted via email to or a hard copy can be sent by regular mail to Potomac Ministry Network, ATTN: Bobby Basham, PO Box 690, Gainesville, VA 20156.
After your resume is received, you will receive a reply containing the current password. The password will change periodically, requiring you to remain in contact with the Potomac Ministry Center. If you have questions please contact Bobby Basham.